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The Air Products and Technip H2 Alliance

Technical Information

 Hydrogen perspectives for the 21st century refineries – Part 2
(article reprint from Hydrocarbon Processing, February 2015) (PDF, 191 KB)

 Hydrogen perspectives for 21st century refineries – Part 1
(article reprint from Hydrocarbon Processing, September 2014) (PDF, 354 KB)

 Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Hydrogen Availability in Refineries
(presentation given at the International Refining and Petrochemical Conference, July 2013, New Delhi, India) (PDF, 3.1 MB)

 CO2 capture from SMRs: A demonstration project
(article reprint from Hydrocarbon Processing September 2012) (PDF, 858 K)

 Analysis of the Thermal Efficiency Limit of the Steam Methane Reforming Process
(X. D. Peng - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research) (PDF,459 KB)

 Driving Hydrogen Efficiency with an Eye on the Environment (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Engineering, February 2010) (PDF, 1,988 K)

 Top Model Gas-Fired Plants: Air Products Port Arthur II Integrated Hydrogen/Cogeneration Facility, Port Arthur, TX (article reprint from POWER Magazine, September 2007) (PDF, 1,394 K)

 High Times for Hydrogen (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Engineering, February 2007) (PDF, 530 K)

 Insert Flexibility into your Hydrogen Network — Part 1 (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Processing, September 2005) (PDF, 369 K)

 Insert Flexibility into your Hydrogen Network — Part 2 (article reprint from Hydrocarbonn Processing, October 2005) (PDF, 525 K)

 Consider Using Hydrogen Plants to Cogenerate Power Needs (article reprint from Hydrocarbonn Processing, December 1999) (PDF, 1.3 MB)

 Flexible Hydrogen Plant Utility in Multiple Refinery Hydrocarbon Streams (PDF, 1.2 MB)

 Integrated Gas Supply (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Engineering) (PDF, 2.5 MB)

 Hydrogen and Utility Supply Optimization (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Processing, September 1998) (PDF, 969 K)

 Creating Value Through Refinery Hydrogen Management (technical paper) (PDF, 131 K)

 The Large Hydrogen Plant Challenge (article reprint from Hydrocarbon Engineering, July 2005) (PDF, 4.79 MB)